This part is a kind of semiconductor called LA1266.
Function of this product has AM/FM Tuner System Of Electronic Tuning Type.
Manufacturers : Sanyo Semicon Device
Image and pinout :
Some of the text within the PDF file :
Ordering number : EN2291B Monolithic Linear IC LA1266 AM/FM Tuner System Of Electronic Tuning Type Functions FM : IF amplifier, quadrature detector, AF preamplifier, signal meter, IF count outputlifier, tuning indicator drive output (common with stop signal, muting drive output) AM : RF amplifier, MIX, OSC (with ALC), IF amplifier, detector, AGC, signal meter, tuning indicator drive output (common with stop signal), IF count output, local OSC buffer. Package Dimensions unit : mm 3067-DIP24S [LA1266] Features • Minimum number of external parts required. • Excellent S/N • Local OSC with ALC • Local OSC buffer • Tuning indicator pin (common with narrow-band stop signal and muting drive output) • Variable stop sensitivity (variable separately for FM, AM) • Less tweet interfe [ ... ]