This part is a kind of semiconductor called MB10F.
Function of this product has (MB05F - MB10F) Silicon Bridge Rectifiers.
Manufacturers : Luguang Electronic
Image and pinout :
Some of the text within the PDF file :
MB05F-MB10F Silicon Bridge Rectifiers VOLTAGE RANGE: 50 --- 1000 V CURRENT: 0.5 A Features This series is UL recognized under Component Index, file number E239431 Glass passivated chip junctions Plastic materrial has U/L flammability classification 94V-O High surge overload rating: 25A peak Saves space on printed circuit boards High temperature soldering guaranteed: 260°C/10 seconds at 5 lbs. (2.0kg) tension 1. 4¡À0.2 4.8¡À0.2 MBF 3.8¡0 À .2 Mechanical Data Case: Molded plastic body over passivated junctions Terminals: Plated leads solderable per MIL-STD-750, Method 2026 Polarity: Polarity symbols marked on body Dimensions in inches and (millimeters) Mounting Position: Any Weight: 0.0078 ounce, 0.22 gram 0.6¡0 À .1 2.5¡À 0.25 1.0¡À 6.8 [ ... ]