This part is a kind of semiconductor called A1490.
Function of this product has 2SA1490.
Manufacturers : Wing Shing Computer Components
Image and pinout :
Some of the text within the PDF file :
2SA1490 AUDIO POWER AMPLIFIER DC TO DC CONVERTER PNP PLANAR SILICON TRANSISTOR SC-65 ! ! ! High Current Capability High Power Dissipation Complementary to 2SC3854 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING (Ta=25°C) Characteristic Collector-Base Voltage Collector-Emitter Voltage Emitter-Base voltage Collector Current (DC) Collector Dissipation Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Symbol VCBO VCEO VEBO IC PC Tj Tstg Rating -160 -120 -6 -8 80 150 -55~150 Unit V V V A W °C °C ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta=25°C) Characterristic Collector Base Breakdown Voltage Collector Emitter Breakdown Voltage Emitter Base Breakdown Voltage Collector Cutoff Current Emitter Cutoff Current *DC Current Gain DC Current Gain Collector- Emitter Saturation Voltage Symbol BVCBO BVCEO BVEBO ICBO IEBO hFE1 hFE2 VCE(s [ ... ]