This part is a kind of semiconductor called M170EG01V3.

Function of this product has LCD MODULE.

Manufacturers : AUO

Image and pinout :

M170EG01V3 image and datasheet pinout

Some of the text within the PDF file :

M170EG01 V.3 Product Specification AU OPTRONICS CORPORATION Product Specification 17.0” SXGA Color TFT-LCD Module Model Name: M170EG01 V.3 Approved by Prepared by DDBU Marketing Division / AU Optronics corporation Customer Checked & Approved by ver 0.2 1/25 Datasheet pdf - M170EG01 V.3 Product Specification Product Specification 17.0” SXGA Color TFT-LCD Module Model Name: M170EG01 V.3 (‹) Preliminary Specifications ( ) Final Specifications Note: This Specification is subject to change without notice. ver 0.2 2/25 Datasheet pdf - M170EG01 V.3 Product Specification Contents 1.0 Handling Precautions .............................................................5 2.0 General [ ... ]

M170EG01V3 PDF Datasheet Download


2017/10/09 15:42 2017/10/09 15:42