This part is a kind of semiconductor called P30NF10.

Function of this product has STP30NF10.

Manufacturers : STMicroelectronics

Image and pinout :

P30NF10 image and datasheet pinout

Some of the text within the PDF file : STB30NF10 STP30NF10 STP30NF10FP N-CHANNEL 100V - 0.038 Ω - 35A TO-220/TO-220FP/D2PAK LOW GATE CHARGE STripFET™ II POWER MOSFET TYPE STB30NF10 STP30NF10 STP30NF10FP s s s s VDSS 100 V 100 V 100 V RDS(on) <0.045 Ω <0.045 Ω <0.045 Ω ID 35 A 35 A 18 A 3 1 2 s TYPICAL RDS(on) = 0.038 Ω EXCEPTIONAL dv/dt CAPABILITY 100% AVALANCHE TESTED APPLICATION ORIENTED CHARACTERIZATION SURFACE-MOUNTING D2PAK (TO-263) POWER PACKAGE IN TUBE (NO SUFFIX) OR IN TAPE & REEL (SUFFIX “T4”) 3 1 TO-220FP D2PAK TO-263 (Suffix “T4”) 3 1 2 TO-220 DESCRIPTION This Power MOSFET is the latest development of STMicroelectronis unique "Single Feature Size™" strip-based process. The resulting transistor shows extremely high packing density for low onresistance, rugged avalan [ ... ]

P30NF10 PDF Datasheet Download


2017/10/08 18:15 2017/10/08 18:15