This part is a kind of semiconductor called CL6807.
Function of this product has 30V 1A LED driver.
Manufacturers : Chip Link
Image and pinout :
Some of the text within the PDF file : CHIPLINK SEMICONDUCTOR CL6807 30V 1A LED driver with internal switch GENERAL DESCRIPTION The CL6807 is a continuous mode inductive step-down converter, designed for driving single or multiple series connected LEDs efficiently from a voltage source higher than the LED voltage. The device operates from an input supply between 7V and 30V and provides an externally adjustable output current of up to 1A. Depending upon supply voltage and external components, this can provide up to 35 watts of output power. The CL6807 includes the output switch and a high-side output current sensing circuit, which uses an external resistor to set the nominal average output current. Output current can be adjusted above, or below the set value, by applying an external control signal to the ' [ ... ]