This part is a kind of semiconductor called LD7535A.

Function of this product has Green-Mode PWM Controller.

Manufacturers : Leadtrend Technology

Image and pinout :

LD7535A image and datasheet pinout

Some of the text within the PDF file :

LD7535/LD7535A 12/11/2007 Green-Mode PWM Controller with Integrated Protections Rev. 01c General Description The LD7535/LD7535A are low cost, low startup current, current mode PWM controllers with green-mode powersaving operation. The integrated functions include the Features z z z z z z z z z z z High-Voltage CMOS Process with Excellent ESD protection Very Low Startup Current (<20μA) Current Mode Control Non-audible-noise Green Mode Control UVLO (Under Voltage Lockout) LEB (Leading-Edge Blanking) on CS Pin Programmable Switching Frequency Internal Slope Compensation OVP (Over Voltage Protection) on Vcc Pin OLP (Over Load Protection) 300mA Driving Capability leading-edge blanking of the current sensing, internal slope compensation and the tiny package of SOT-26. They provide the user [ ... ]

LD7535A PDF Datasheet Download


2017/10/09 20:28 2017/10/09 20:28