This part is a kind of semiconductor called BD9275F.

Function of this product has Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuit.

Manufacturers : Rohm

Image and pinout :

BD9275F image and datasheet pinout

Some of the text within the PDF file :

1/4 STRUCTURE Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuit NAME OF PRODUCT DC-AC Inverter Control IC TYPE FUNCTION BD9275F ・Using 20V process / 1ch control with Push-Pull ・Accuracy of drive output frequency:3.5%(IC Only/Built-in CT Capacitor) ・High accuracy timer latch current(±15%) ・Built-in FAIL function ・Adjustable latch timing ・Adjustable slow start time ・Lamp current and voltage sense feedback control ・Mode-selectable the operating or stand-by mode by STB pin (Typ.=0uA ) ○Absolute Maximum Ratings(Ta = 25℃) Parameter Supply Voltage OUTPUT PIN Voltage Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Maximum Junction Temperature Power Dissipation *1 Symbol VCC N1, N2 Topr Tstg Tjmax Pd Limits 20 20 -40~+85 -55~+150 +150 SOP18:562* [ ... ]

BD9275F PDF Datasheet Download


2017/10/08 14:14 2017/10/08 14:14