This part is a kind of semiconductor called SW-18010P.

Function of this product has Shake Switch.

Manufacturers : Mobicon

Image and pinout :

SW-18010P image and datasheet pinout

Some of the text within the PDF file :

SW-180 本開關在靜止時為開路 < OFF > 狀態,當受到外力觸碰而達到適當振動力時,或移動速度達到適當離 ( 偏) 心力時,導電接腳會產生瞬間導通 < ON > 狀態,使電氣特性改變。而當外力消失時,電氣特性恢復開路 < OFF >狀態。² 無方向性: 任何角度均可觸發工作。² 型號未位有 P 字為完全密封式封裝,可防水防塵。觸發靈敏度可依電路需要選用適合的靈敏度開關。注 SW-18010P SW-18015 SW-18015P SW-18020 SW-18020P SW-18030 SW-1803 [ ... ]

SW-18010P PDF Datasheet Download


2017/04/26 09:11 2017/04/26 09:11