This part is a kind of semiconductor called MMD-08EZ-470M-S1.

Function of this product has Super low resistance.

Manufacturers : MAG LAYERS

Image and pinout :

MMD-08EZ-470M-S1 image and datasheet pinout

Some of the text within the PDF file :

EATURES ■ ■ F FEATURES RoHS compliant. Super low resistance, ultra high current rating. High performance (I sat) realized by metal dust core. Frequency Range: up to 3MHz. PPLICATION ■ ■ A APPLICATION PDA, notebook, desktop, and server applications. Low profile, high current power supplies. DC/DC converters in distributed power systems. DC/DC converters for field programmable gate array. RODUCT IIDENTIFICATION DENTIFICATION ■ ■ P PRODUCT ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ A E MMD - 04AB - 1R0 M - V1 ①Product Code ②Dimensions: 04AB = 4.5 x 4.0 x 1.2 mm ③Inductance Code: 1R0 = 1.0μH ④Tolerance: M = ±20% ⑤Series Type : V1 Type B D C NOTE : Dimension in mm A 4.45±0.25 4.45±0.25 5.0±0.2 5.0±0.2 6.86±0.38 6.86±0.38 6.86±0.38 6.86±0.38 6.86±0.38 6.86 [ ... ]

MMD-08EZ-470M-S1 PDF Datasheet Download


2017/10/09 06:10 2017/10/09 06:10