This part is a kind of semiconductor called P75NF75.
Function of this product has STP75NF75.
Manufacturers : STMicroelectronics
Image and pinout :
Some of the text within the PDF file :
STB75NF75 STP75NF75 - STP75NF75FP N-channel 75V - 0.0095Ω - 80A - TO-220 - TO-220FP - D2PAK STripFET™ II Power MOSFET General features Type STB75NF75 STP75NF75 STP75NF75FP VDSS 75V 75V 75V RDS(on) <0.011Ω <0.011Ω <0.011Ω ID 80A(1) 80A(1) 80A(1) TO-220 3 1 2 1 3 2 TO-220FP 1. Current limited by package ■ ■ Exceptional dv/dt capability 100% avalanche tested 3 1 Description This Power MOSFET series realized with STMicroelectronics unique STripFET™ process has specifically been designed to minimize input capacitance and gate charge. It is therefore suitable as primary switch in advanced highefficiency, high-frequency isolated DC-DC converters for Telecom and Computer applications. It is also intended for any applications with low gate drive requirements. D²PAK Internal s [ ... ]