This part is a kind of semiconductor called CD2003GB.

Function of this product has FM/AM RADIO IC.

Manufacturers : China Hua Jing Electronics

Image and pinout :

CD2003GB image and datasheet pinout

Some of the text within the PDF file :

The CD2003GP, CD2003GB is a monolithic IC designed for use as a FM / AM radio system.
Combined with audio power amplifier IC, a suitable FM / AM radio can be constituted. 

Its features are :

1. No need for FM IFT, AM IFT, and FM detector coil
2. Adjustment free for FM detector circuit
3. Wide operating supply voltage range : Vcc = 1.8 ~ 7V 
4. Package : DIP 16 / SOP 16

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CD2003GB PDF Datasheet Download



2017/06/13 09:31 2017/06/13 09:31