This part is a kind of semiconductor called KIA7042AP.

Function of this product has (KIA7019Ax - KIA7045Ax) BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT.

Manufacturers : KEC

Image and pinout :

KIA7042AP image and datasheet pinout

Some of the text within the PDF file :

SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA KIA7019AP/AF/AT~ KIA7045AP/AF/AT BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT VOLTAGE DETECTOR B C Function of this IC is accurately resetting the system after detecting voltage at the time of switching power on and instantaneous power off in various CPU systems and other logic systems. K D E G A N FEATURES Current Consumption is Low. ICCL=300 A Typ. ICCH=30 A Typ. Resetting Output Minimum Guarantee Voltage is Low 0.8V Typ. Hysteresis Voltage is Provided. 50mV Typ. Reset Signal Generation Starting Voltages : KIA7019 1.9V Typ. KIA7021 2.1V Typ. KIA7023 2.3V Typ. KIA7025 2.5V Typ. KIA7027 2.7V Typ. KIA7029 2.9V Typ. KIA7031 3.1V Typ. KIA7032 3.2V Typ. Taping Type is also Available. J B E L 1 2 3 F H F KIA7033 3.3V Typ. KIA7034 3.4V Typ. KIA7035 3 [ ... ]


KIA7042AP PDF Datasheet Download



2017/04/17 10:09 2017/04/17 10:09