This part is a kind of semiconductor called PT1000.
Function of this product has Power Toroids-Horizontal or Vertical Mount.
Manufacturers : API Delevan
Image and pinout :

Some of the text within the PDF file :
Inductance tested at 1 KHz, <10 gauss and 0 Adc DC Resistance at 25°C Rated Idc based on 40°C maximum rise from 25°C ambient with 0 Arms Windings single layered to maximize operating frequency and minimize board space Self leads solder coated to within .050" of seating plane Other values available on request Packaging Bulk only Mounting Standard mounting is self-lead radial per Figure “1”. Optional mounting methods are self-leaded horizontal per Figure “2” or vertical base mounted per Figures “3” and “4”. FIGURE FIGURE PA RT Power Toroids – Horizontal or Vertical Mount 1 2 STANDARD VERTICAL FIGURE FIGURE HORIZONTAL 3 4 VERTICAL 2-LEAD VERTICAL 4-LEAD PT5-530 5 PT5-700 5 5 PT5-800 5 PT5-1000 10 PT10-530 10 PT10-680 10 PT10-820 10 PT10-990 [ ... ]
PT1000 PDF Datasheet Download