This part is a kind of semiconductor called 46ND005-P.
Function of this product has FBR46ND005-P.
Manufacturers : Fujitsu Microelectronics
Image and pinout :
Some of the text within the PDF file :
MINIATURE RELAY 2 POLES—1 to 2 A (FOR SIGNAL SWITCHING) FBR46 SERIES s FEATURES q q q q Miniature size About 50% smaller in volume compared with the FBR240 series used mainly in communication equipment. High surge voltage 2,500 V minimum of surge strength (Bellcore standard), and 1,500 VAC minimum of dielectric strength between coil and contact (-15, -16 type). Low power consumption 85 mW of operate power (150 mW of nominal power consumption) by built-in permanent magnet. Shipping tube package s ORDERING INFORMATION [Example] (a) (b) (*) FBR46 (a) N (b) D (*) 012 (c) -P (d) -15 (e) -CSA (f ) Series Name Enclosure Coil Type FBR46 : FBR46 Series N D G L1 L2 : Plastic sealed : Standard, -15, -16 (DC coil) : 65% Operate type : Single winding latching type [ ... ]