This part is a kind of semiconductor called SG-50.

Function of this product has 5g Sub-Micro Servo.

Manufacturers : Tower Pro

Image and pinout :

SG-50 image and datasheet pinout

Some of the text within the PDF file :

TowerPro SG-50 TowerPro SG-50 5 gram Sub-Micro Servo Connector is compatible with Hitec, Multiplex, JR, Airtronics Z, Futaba. Great servo for shockflyers, indoor and small parkflyers. Weight: 5gms Features: -Features: Coreless Motor All Nylon Gear Connector Wire Length 150MM Specifications: Dimensions: 20.9mmX11.4mmX22mm *Operating Speed (4.8V no load): 0.10sec/60 degrees *Stall Torque (4.8V): 10.2 oz/in (0.7 kg/cm) *Temperature Range: -30 to +60 Degree C *Dead Band Width: 7usec Operating Voltage:4.0-7.0 Volt [ ... ]

SG-50 PDF Datasheet Download


2017/04/24 10:28 2017/04/24 10:28