This part is a kind of semiconductor called C317.

Function of this product has UPC317.

Manufacturers : NEC

Image and pinout :

C317 image and datasheet pinout

Some of the text within the PDF file :

DATA SHEET SHEET DATA BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUIT µPC317 3-TERMINAL POSITIVE ADJUSTABLE REGULATOR DESCRIPTION The µPC317 is an adjustable 3-terminal positive voltage regulator, which has 1.5 A capable for the output current. The output voltage can be set any value between 1.3 V and 30 V by two external resistors. FEATURES • • Output current excess of 1.5 A On-chip some protection circuit (over current protection, SOA protection and thermal shut down). PIN CONFIGURATION (Marking Side) 3-pin plastic SIP (MP-45G) µPC317HF ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number Package 3-pin plastic SIP (MP-45G) (isolated TO-220) 1 2 3 1 : ADJ 2 : OUTPUT 3 : INPUT µPC317HF EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT INPUT R1 R2 R3 R4 Q10 R27 Q2 R6 R7 D1 Q3 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 Q5 Q6 R8 Q9 Q7 Q11 Q12 [ ... ]

C317 PDF Datasheet Download


2017/10/10 02:15 2017/10/10 02:15