This part is a kind of semiconductor called K3569.
Function of this product has 2SK3569.
Manufacturers : Toshiba Semiconductor
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2SK3569 TOSHIBA Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type (π-MOSVI) 2SK3569 Switching Regulator Applications • • • • Low drain-source ON resistance: RDS (ON) = 0.54Ω (typ.) High forward transfer admittance: |Yfs| = 8.5S (typ.) Low leakage current: IDSS = 100 μA (VDS = 600 V) Enhancement mode: Vth = 2.0~4.0 V (VDS = 10 V, ID = 1 mA) Unit: mm Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C) Characteristics Drain-source voltage Drain-gate voltage (RGS = 20 kΩ) Gate-source voltage DC Drain current (Note 1) Symbol VDSS VDGR VGSS ID IDP PD EAS IAR EAR Tch Tstg Rating 600 600 ±30 10 40 45 363 10 4.5 150 -55~150 A W mJ A mJ °C °C Unit V V V 1: Gate 2: Drain 3: Source Pulse (t = 1 ms) (Note 1) Drain power dissipation (Tc = 25°C) Single pulse avalanche energy ( [ ... ]