This part is a kind of semiconductor called H3BA-8.

Function of this product has (H3BA-8 / H3BA-11) Timer.

Manufacturers : Andeli

Image and pinout :

H3BA-8 image and datasheet pinout

Some of the text within the PDF file :

C Multi Range Timer 1. Main Technical Parameter Classification Model Specification Dimension Mounting Surface(-N) Timer ST2P 50H x 40W x 57.5D PF083A(E) US-08 P3G-08 Multi Range Timer ST3PA 55H x 40.5W x 57.5D PF-083A(E) US-08 P3G-08 Multi Range Timer H3BA-8/H3BA-11 48H x 48W x93.5D PF113A(E) PF083A PS-08 US-11 US-08 P3G-08 & Socket Flush(-Y) A: 0.05-0.5s/5s/30s/3min ST2P Full Timing Range SEC: 1,3,6,10,12, 30,60 MIN: 3,6,10,12,30, 60 HR: 3,6,10,12,30 B: 0.1-10s/60s/6mim C: 0.5-5s/50s/5min/30min D: 1-10s/100s/100min/60min E: 5-60s/10s/60min/6h F: 0.25-2min/20min/2h/12h G: 0.5-4min/40min/4h/24h 0.1SEC~100HRS Rated Voltage (V) AC: 12,24,110,220(50/ 60Hz) DC: 12~24 ON-UP Operating ST2P-E 5A 5A 5A 5 x 107 Times 105 Times ±2% max ±5% max ±5% max ±2% max 0.5 sec ma [ ... ]

H3BA-8 PDF Datasheet Download


2017/10/08 19:55 2017/10/08 19:55