This part is a kind of semiconductor called MTG-12232C.
Function of this product has LCD.
Manufacturers : Microchip Technology
Image and pinout :
Some of the text within the PDF file :
MTG-12232C GENERAL SPECIFICATION Item Number of Character Module Size Viewing Area Dot Size/Dot Pitch Backlight Options Built-In Controller 122x32 59.0(W)x29.3(H)x5.5(D)mm Max 52.0(W)x15.0(H)mm 0.345(W)x0.345(H)mm/0.375(W)x0.375(H)mm Without/LED Gray STN/Yellow STN,Extended Temperature,Bottom Viewing SED1520DOA INTERFACE PIN ASSIGNMENT Content Pin No. Pin Out 1 V LED Function Description Cathode of LED backlight, which is common Anode with logic circuit. 2 V SS GND 3 V DD Logic supply voltage ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Item Power Supply for Logic 4 VO LCD driver supply voltage Display Data/Display commands switching input. Ao=0: DB0~DB7 are command input and status output. Ao=1: DB0~DB7 are Display Data input/output. Enable signal for the left half of the screen. Active Low En [ ... ]