This part is a kind of semiconductor called MTG-12864D.

Function of this product has LCD.

Manufacturers : Microchip Technology

Image and pinout :

MTG-12864D image and datasheet pinout

Some of the text within the PDF file :

MTG-12864D GENERAL SPECIFICATION Item Number of Character Module Size Viewing Area Dot Size/Dot Pitch Backlight Options Built-in Controller 128x64 75.0(W)x52.7(H)x6.8/9.0(D)mm Max 60.0(W)x32.5(H)mm 0.40(W)x0.40(H)mm/0.43(W)x0.43(H)mm Without/EL/LED Gray STN/Yellow STN/Normal/Extended Temperature/Bottom/Top Viewing KS0108 or compatible INTERFACE PIN ASSIGNMENT Content Pin No. Pin Out 1 2 3 4~11 12 13 V DD V SS V ADJ Function Description Logic supply voltage GND S u p p l y v o l t a g e f o r L C D p a n e l , T U N I N G F R O M V DD- V EE DB0~DB7 Data Bus: 3-state I/O common terminal. CS1 CS2 Chip select for the left half of the display. Active high Chip select for the right half of the display. Active high Setting the RES signal to Low level can initialize the following registers. 1. [ ... ]

MTG-12864D PDF Datasheet Download


2017/10/09 01:11 2017/10/09 01:11