This part is a kind of semiconductor called P4NB80.

Function of this product has STP4NB80.

Manufacturers : STMicroelectronics

Image and pinout :

P4NB80 image and datasheet pinout

Some of the text within the PDF file :

® STP4NB80 STP4NB80FP N - CHANNEL 800V - 3Ω - 4A - TO-220/TO-220FP PowerMESH™ MOSFET TYPE STP4NB80 STP4NB80FP s s s s s V DSS 800 V 800 V R DS(on) 3.3 Ω 3.3 Ω ID 4A 4A TYPICAL RDS(on) = 3 Ω EXTREMELY HIGH dv/dt CAPABILITY 100% AVALANCHE TESTED VERY LOW INTRINSIC CAPACITANCES GATE CHARGE MINIMIZED 3 1 2 3 1 2 DESCRIPTION Using the latest high voltage MESH OVERLAY™ process, STMicroelectronics has designed an advanced family of power MOSFETs with outstanding performances. The new patent pending strip layout coupled with the Company’s proprietary edge termination structure, gives the lowest RDS(on) per area, exceptional avalanche and dv/dt capabilities and unrivalled gate charge and switching characteristics. APPLICATIONS HIGH CURRENT, HIGH SPEED SWITC [ ... ]

P4NB80 PDF Datasheet Download


2017/10/08 17:36 2017/10/08 17:36