This part is a kind of semiconductor called J598.

Function of this product has 2SJ598.

Manufacturers : NEC

Image and pinout :

J598 image and datasheet pinout

Some of the text within the PDF file :

DATA SHEET MOS FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR 2SJ598 SWITCHING P-CHANNEL POWER MOS FET DESCRIPTION The 2SJ598 is P-channel MOS Field Effect Transistor designed for solenoid, motor and lamp driver. ORDERING INFORMATION PART NUMBER 2SJ598 2SJ598-Z PACKAGE TO-251 (MP-3) TO-252 (MP-3Z) FEATURES • Low on-state resistance: RDS(on)1 = 130 mΩ MAX. (VGS = –10 V, ID = –6 A) RDS(on)2 = 190 mΩ MAX. (VGS = –4.0 V, ID = –6 A) • Low Ciss: Ciss = 720 pF TYP. • Built-in gate protection diode • TO-251/TO-252 package ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25°C) Drain to Source Voltage (VGS = 0 V) Gate to Source Voltage (VDS = 0 V) Drain Current (DC) (TC = 25°C) Drain Current (pulse) Note1 (TO-251) –60 m20 m12 m30 23 1.0 150 –55 to +150 –12 14.4 V V A A W W °C °C A mJ [ ... ]

J598 PDF Datasheet Download


2017/10/08 13:12 2017/10/08 13:12