This part is a kind of semiconductor called BF194.

Function of this product has (BF194 / BF195) NPN Transistor.

Manufacturers : Value

Image and pinout :

BF194 image and datasheet pinout

Some of the text within the PDF file :

File No. Rev. No. : 2049 :A DEVICE SPECIFICATION Page No. TYPE POLARITY APPLICATION PACKAGE : BF194/BF195 : NPN : IF/RF Transistor : TO - 92 C E : 1 of 2 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS: CHARACTERISTIC Collector - Base Voltage Collector - Emitter Voltage Emitter - Base Voltage Total Power Dissipation @ TA = 25°C Collector Current Junction Temperature Storage Temperature THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Thermal Resistance, junction to Ambient R θJ- A = 0.4°C/mW ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ( Tamb = 25°C, Unless otherwise specified) CHARACTERISTIC OFF CHARACTERISTICS Collector - Emitter breakdown Voltage (IC = 1.0 mA dc, IB = 0) Collector - Base breakdown voltage (IC = 10 µA dc, IE = 0) Emitter - Base break down voltage (IE = 10 µA dc, IC = 0) ON CHARACTERISTICS DC Current Gain [ ... ]

BF194 PDF Datasheet Download


2017/10/08 13:35 2017/10/08 13:35