This part is a kind of semiconductor called WFP75N08.
Function of this product has N-Channel MOSFET.
Manufacturers : Wisdom technologies
Image and pinout :
Some of the text within the PDF file :
Wisdom Semiconductor WFP75N08 N-Channel MOSFET Features RDS(on) (Max 0.015 Ω )@VGS=10V Gate Charge (Typical 80nC) Improved dv/dt Capability, High Ruggedness 100% Avalanche Tested Maximum Junction Temperature Range (175°C) Symbol ◀ { 2. Drain ● 1. Gate { { 3. Source General Description This Power MOSFET is produced using Wisdom’s advanced planar stripe, DMOS technology. This latest technology has been especially designed to minimize on-state resistance, have a high rugged avalanche characteristics. These devices are well suited for high efficiency switch mode power supplies, active power factor correction, electronic lamp ballasts based on half bridge topology. TO-220 1 2 3 Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol VDSS ID [ ... ]