This part is a kind of semiconductor called VIPER12ADIP-E.
Function of this product has Low Power OFF-Line SMPS Primary Switcher.
Manufacturers : ST Microelectronics
Image and pinout :
Some of the text within the PDF file :
VIPer12ADIP - E VIPer12AS - E Low Power OFF-Line SMPS Primary Switcher Features ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Fixed 60kHZ Switching Frequency 9V to 38V Wide Range VDD Voltage Current Mode Control Auxiliary Undervoltage Lockout with Hysteresis High Voltage Start-up Current Source Overtemperature, Overcurrent and Overvoltage Protection with Auto-Restart Typical power capability – European (195 - 265 Vac) 8W for SO-8, 13W for DIP-8 – European (85 - 265 Vac) 5W for SO-8, 8W for DIP-8 SO-8 DIP-8 ■ Description The VIPer12A combines a dedicated current mode PWM controller with a high voltage Power MOSFET on the same silicon chip. Block diagram Typical applications cover off line power supplies for battery charger adapters, standby power supplies for TV or monitors, auxil [ ... ]