This part is a kind of semiconductor called 204-040-755-005.

Function of this product has Technical Bulletin.

Manufacturers : Lubricant

Image and pinout :

204-040-755-005 image and datasheet pinout

Some of the text within the PDF file :

TECHNICAL BULLETIN No. A Subsidiary of Textron Inc. DATE REV 427-02-04 May 16, 2002 1 of 4 Date Page MODEL AFFECTED: 427 SUBJECT: INTRODUCTION OF NEW HARDENED WEAR SLEEVE P/N 427-044-123-101. HELICOPTERS AFFECTED: Model 427 helicopters serial number 56001 through 56040 serial number 58001 through 58002. [Model 427 helicopters serial numbers 56041 and subsequent and 58003 and subsequent will have the intent of this bulletin accomplished prior to delivery.] COMPLIANCE: At Customer’s Option. Recommended at next scheduled component inspection of driveshaft assembly P/N 427-044-100-103. DESCRIPTION: Field reports indicate that the wear sleeves P/N 427-044-117-101 installed on forward tail rotor driveshaft assembly P/N 427-044-100-103 tends [ ... ]

204-040-755-005 PDF Datasheet Download


2017/10/08 23:43 2017/10/08 23:43