This part is a kind of semiconductor called MC34063.

Function of this product has DC to DC Converter Controller.

Manufacturers : Unisonic Technologies

Image and pinout :

MC34063 image and datasheet pinout

Some of the text within the PDF file :

( DataSheet : ) UTC MC34063 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT DC TO DC CONVERTER CONTROLLER DESCRIPTION The UTC MC34063 is a monolithic regulator subsystem, intended for use as DC to DC converter. This device contains a temperature compensated band gap reference, a duty-cycle control oscillator, driver and high current output switch. It can be used for step down, step-up or inverting switching regulators as well as for series pass regulators. SOP-8 FEATURES *Operation from 3.0V to 40V. *Short circuit current limiting. *Low standby current. *Output switch current of 1.5A without external transistors. *Frequency of operation from 100Hz to 100kHz. *Step-up, step-down or inverting switch regulators. DIP-8 PIN CONFIGURATION Switch Collector Switch Emitter Timing Capacitor 1 8 D [ ... ]

MC34063 PDF Datasheet Download


2017/10/09 09:25 2017/10/09 09:25