This part is a kind of semiconductor called D2822N.
Function of this product has Dual Power Amplifier.
Manufacturers : Shaoxing Silicore Technology
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Silicore DUAL POWER AMPLIFIER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The D2822N is a monolithic integrated circuit in 8 lead Minidip package. It is intended for use as dual audio po wer a mplifier in portable cassette tape players and radios. D2822N FEATURES z z z z Dual Low-voltage power a mplifier Supply voltage down to 1.8V Low cro ssov er d isto rtio n Low quiescent cu rrent Bridge or stereo configuratio n z BLOCK DIAGRAM NF1 8 IN1 7 _ + 1 OUT1 w w 2 BIAS CIRCUIT w t a .D IN2 6 + _ 3 OUT2 NF2 5 S a e h U 4 t e Vcc .c m o Ou tlin e Drawing PINNING OUTPUT(1) 1 2 D2822N 8 7 D2822 6 5 INPUT-(1) INPUT+(1) INPUT+(2) INPUT-(2) OUTPUT(2) GROUND 4 GND 3 4 Vcc SHAOXING SILICORE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD www. Silicore. com. cn CHMC w w w .D a S a t e e h U 4 t 1/5 m o .c Silicore MA [ ... ]