This part is a kind of semiconductor called C945.

Function of this product has NPN Transistors.

Manufacturers : Weitron

Image and pinout :

C945 image and datasheet pinout

Some of the text within the PDF file :

NPN Transistors P b Lead(Pb)-Free C945 TO-92 1. EMITTER 2. COLLECTOR 3. BASE 12 3 Junction Temperature Storage Temperature 0.4 Tj +150 °C TSTG -40 to + 150 °C WEITRON 1/4 08-Feb-06 C945 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA=25 C unless otherwise noted) (Countinued) Characteristics Symbol Min Typ Max Unit ON CHARACTERISTICS DC Current Gain VCE=6.0V, IC=1mA VCE=6.0V, IC=0.1mA Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage IC=100mA, IB=10mA Base-Emitter Voltage IC=100mA, IB=10mA TransitionFrequence VCE = 6V, IC = 10mA, f = 30MHz Collector Output Capacitance VCB = 10V, IE = 0, f = 1MHz Noise figure VCE = 6V, IC = 0.1mA, Rg = 10kΩ, f = 1KMHz hFE1 hFE2 VCE(sat) VBE(sat) 70 40 - - - 700 - 0.3 V - 1.0 V fT 200 - - MHz Cob - - 3.0 pF NF - 4.0 10 dB CLASSIFICA [ ... ]

C945 PDF Datasheet Download


2017/10/09 19:45 2017/10/09 19:45