This part is a kind of semiconductor called k246.
Function of this product has Small switching (60V/ 2A).
Manufacturers : Rohm
Image and pinout :
Some of the text within the PDF file :
Transistors Small switching (60V, 2A) 2SK2463 FFeatures 1) Low on-resistance. 2) Fast switching speed. 3) Wide SOA (safe operating area). 4) Low-voltage drive (4V). 5) Easily designed drive circuits. 6) Easy to parallel. FStructure Silicon N-channel MOSFET FExternal dimensions (Units: mm) FAbsolute maximum ratings (Ta = 25_C) FPackaging specifications 118 Transistors FElectrical characteristics (Ta = 25_C) 2SK2463 FElectrical characteristic curves 119 Transistors FElectrical characteristic curves 2SK2463 120 Transistors 2SK2463 FSwitching characteristics Fmeasurement circuit 121 [ ... ]