This part is a kind of semiconductor called K1050G.

Function of this product has silicon bilateral voltage triggered switch.

Manufacturers : Teccor

Image and pinout :

K1050G image and datasheet pinout

Some of the text within the PDF file :

DO-15X Axial Lead DO-214AA Surface Mount TO-202AB Type 1 TO-92 Type 70 Do not use mounting tab or center lead, electrically connected SIDAC (95 - 330 Volts) 9 General Description The Sidac is a silicon bilateral voltage triggered switch with greater power-handling capabilities than standard diacs. Upon application of a voltage exceeding the Sidac breakover voltage point, the Sidac switches on through a negative resistance region to a low on-state voltage. Conduction will continue until the current is interrupted or drops below the minimum holding current of the device. Teccor offers the complete voltage range (95-330) over three different packages: • • • • TO-92 (95-280 volts) Axial lead DO-15X (95-280 volts) Surface Mount DO-214AA (95-280 volts) TO-202AB (190-330 volts) Appli [ ... ]

K1050G PDF Datasheet Download


2017/10/08 11:41 2017/10/08 11:41