This part is a kind of semiconductor called TDA7294.
Function of this product has 100V - 100W DMOS AUDIO AMPLIFIER WITH MUTE/ST-BY.
Manufacturers : ST Microelectronics
Image and pinout :
Some of the text within the PDF file :
® TDA7294 100V - 100W DMOS AUDIO AMPLIFIER WITH MUTE/ST-BY VERY HIGH OPERATING VOLTAGE RANGE (±40V) DMOS POWER STAGE HIGH OUTPUT POWER (UP TO 100W MUSIC POWER) MUTING/STAND-BY FUNCTIONS NO SWITCH ON/OFF NOISE NO BOUCHEROT CELLS VERY LOW DISTORTION VERY LOW NOISE SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION THERMAL SHUTDOWN DESCRIPTION The TDA7294 is a monolithic integrated circuit in Multiwatt15 package, intended for use as audio class AB amplifier in Hi-Fi field applications (Home Stereo, self powered loudspeakers, Topclass TV). Thanks to the wide voltage range and Figure 1: Typical Application and Test Circuit MULTIPOWER BCD TECHNOLOGY Multiwatt15V Multiwatt15H ORDERING NUMBERS: TDA7294V TDA7294HS to the high out current capability it is able to supply the highest power into both 4Ω and 8Ω lo [ ... ]