This part is a kind of semiconductor called PC923.

Function of this product has High Speed Photocoupler for MOS-FET / IGBT Drive.

Manufacturers : Sharp Electrionic Components

Image and pinout :

PC923 image and datasheet pinout

Some of the text within the PDF file :

PC923 PC923 s Features 1. Built-in direct drive circuit for MOS-FET/ IGBT drive ( IO1P , I O2P : 0.4A) 2. High speed response ( t PLH , t PHL : MAX. 0.5 µ s ) 3. Wide operating supply voltage range ( Vcc : 15 to 30V, Ta = -10 to 60˚C ) 4. High noise reduction type ( CM H = MIN. - 1 500V/ µ s ) ( CM L = MIN. 1 500V/ µ s ) 5. Recognized by UL, file No. E64380 6. High isolation voltage between input and output( VISO = 5 000 V rms ) High Speed Photocoupler for MOS-FET / IGBT Drive s Outline Dimensions ( Unit : mm ) Internal connection diagram 1.2 ± 0.3 8 6.5 ± 0.5 7 PC923 Amp. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 7.62 ± 0.3 0.5TYP. 9.66 ± 0.5 3.50.5 ±0.5 g Lead forming type ( I type ) and taping reel type ( P type ) are also available. ( PC923I/PC923P ) gg TÜV ( VDE 0884 ) approved type is also availabl [ ... ]

PC923 PDF Datasheet Download


2017/10/08 15:52 2017/10/08 15:52