This part is a kind of semiconductor called DAC-08.

Function of this product has 8-Bit High-Speed Multiplying D/A Converter.

Manufacturers : ON Semiconductor

Image and pinout :

DAC-08 image and datasheet pinout

Some of the text within the PDF file :

DAC−08 SERIES 8−Bit High−Speed Multiplying D/A Converter The DAC-08 series of 8-bit monolithic multiplying Digital-toAnalog Converters provide very high-speed performance coupled with low cost and outstanding applications flexibility. Advanced circuit design achieves 70 ns settling times with very low glitch and at low power consumption. Monotonic multiplying performance is attained over a wide 20-to-1 reference current range. Matching to within 1 LSB between reference and full-scale currents eliminates the need for full-scale trimming in most applications. Direct interface to all popular logic families with full noise immunity is provided by the high swing, adjustable threshold logic inputs. Dual complementary outputs are provided, increasing versatility and enabling differential o [ ... ]

DAC-08 PDF Datasheet Download


2017/10/09 05:40 2017/10/09 05:40