This part is a kind of semiconductor called K16A60W.
Function of this product has TK16A60W.
Manufacturers : Toshiba Semiconductor
Image and pinout :
Some of the text within the PDF file :
MOSFETs Silicon N-Channel MOS (DTMOS) TK16A60W 1. Applications • Switching Voltage Regulators 2. Features (1) Low drain-source on-resistance: RDS(ON) = 0.16 Ω (typ.) by used to Super Junction Structure : DTMOS (2) Easy to control Gate switching (3) Enhancement mode: Vth = 2.7 to 3.7 V (VDS = 10 V, ID = 0.79 mA) 3. Packaging and Internal Circuit TK16A60W TO-220SIS 1: Gate 2: Drain 3: Source 1 2012-08-27 Rev.2.0 TK16A60W 4. Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note) (Ta = 25 unless otherwise specified) Characteristics Symbol Rating Unit Drain-source voltage Gate-source voltage Drain current (DC) Drain current (pulsed) Power dissipation Single-pulse avalanche energy Avalanche current Reverse drain current (DC) Reverse drain current (pulsed) Channel temperature Storage temperature Is [ ... ]