This part is a kind of semiconductor called 2M218.
Function of this product has 2M218 SERIES.
Manufacturers : FRANK ELECTRONIC
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Some of the text within the PDF file :
FRANK ELECTRONIC & PLASTIC CO.,LTD. 2M218 SERIES 1. ELECTRICAL CHARCTERISTICS Peak anode voltage (ebm) Average anode current (Ib) Average output power (Po) Frequency (fo) Filament voltage(Ef) Weight Typical oven power by IEC method 4.0kV 300mAdc 900W 2458MHz 3.3V 760g 600~800W 2. VARIATION OF MOUNTING YOKE FOR FITTING INTO MICROWAVE OVEN 720 730 740 80 110 114.3 35 4- 6 95 95 80 80 35 77 35 77 130 77 114.3 6- 4.5 4- 4.5 4- 6 130 3. OPTIONS(Mounting plate and direction of filament terminal) H JK Direction of air flow G FRANK ELECTRONIC & PLASTIC CO.,LTD. TEL: 86-571-85829475 FAX: 86-571-85829470 FRANK ELECTRONIC & PLASTIC CO.,LTD. 2M218 SERIES DIMENSIONAL OUTLINE 86MAX 80± 1 50± 1 35± 0.8 6- 4.5± 0.05 20± 1 UNIT mm P PM FIL 6.5± 1 6.5± 1 80 [ ... ]