This part is a kind of semiconductor called SVF4N60F.
Function of this product has 600V N-CHANNEL MOSFET.
Image and pinout :
Some of the text within the PDF file :
SVF4N60D/F/FG/T/K/M/MJ_Datasheet 4A, 600V N-CHANNEL MOSFET GENERAL DESCRIPTION SVF4N60D/F/FG/T/K/M/MJ is an N-channel enhancement mode power MOS field effect transistor which is produced using Silan proprietary F-CellTM structure VDMOS technology. The improved planar stripe cell and the improved guard ring terminal have been especially tailored to minimize on-state resistance, provide superior switching performance, and withstand high energy pulse in the avalanche and commutation mode. These devices are widely used in AC-DC power suppliers, DCDC converters and H-bridge PWM motor drivers. FEATURES ∗ 4A, 600V, RDS(on)(typ)=2.0Ω@VGS=10V ∗ Low gate charge ∗ Low Crss ∗ Fast switching ∗ Improved dv/dt capability NOMENCLATURE ORDERING INFORMATION Part No. SVF4N60T SVF4N60F SVF4N60FG [ ... ]