This part is a kind of semiconductor called CMS69T08.
Function of this product has Touch MCU.
Manufacturers : MCU ( )
Image and pinout :
Some of the text within the PDF file :
1. Memory
ROM: 2K * 14
RAM: 87
2. 2 PWM output ports
Two modes are selected for 8-bit PWM
10-bit PWM
◆ 8-level stack buffer ◆ Instruction cycle (single instruction or dual instruction cycle)
◆ simple and practical instruction system (69 instructions) ◆ dedicated buzzer output (frequency variable)
◆ Built-in low-voltage detection circuit ◆ Built-in WDT timer
◆ 6 interrupt sources
Internal interrupt source 3: TMR1, TMR2, ADC
External interrupt source 2: EXT0, EXT1
Touch interrupt source 1: KEY_C
◆ I / O port configuration
P0: With wake-up function, pull-up resistor option.
P1: has a pull-up resistor option
P2: has the upper and lower pull-down resistors
◆ 3 8-bit timers
◆ two kinds of work mode
Normal mode
Sleep mode
◆ High frequency signal output (CLO)
Duty can be selected: 25%, 50%, 75%.
◆ 2-channel built-in comparator
Positive terminal can be selected to connect the internal standard voltage
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CMS69T08 PDF Datasheet Download