This part is a kind of semiconductor called FHP3205.

Function of this product has Low voltage high current power MOS FET.

Manufacturers : ETC

Image and pinout :

FHP3205 image and datasheet pinout

Some of the text within the PDF file :

3205 * '6 72 Available RoHS* COMPLIANT ' * 6 VDS ID VGS PD TJ Tstg EAS 110 Ciss Coss Crss VDS=25v, V GS=0V,f=1.0MHZ VDS=25v, V GS=0V,f=1.0MHZ VDS=25v, V GS=0V,f=1.0MHZ ㄀义݅义 ⡍ᗻখ᭄ؐ 7& 嘙&   খ᭄䇈ᯢ ヺো ⓣ⑤ড৥⬉य़ BVDSS ⓣ⑤៾ℶ⬉⌕ IDSS ᷙ⑤៾ℶ⬉⌕ IGSS(F/R) 䗮ᗕ⬉䰏 RDS(ON) ᷙ⑤ᵕᓔਃ⬉य़ ⓣ⑤Ѡᵕㅵℷ৥ ᇐ䗮य़䰡 VGS(th) gFS ⌟䆩ᴵӊ VGS=0V, ID=250μA VDS=55v,VGS=0V VGS=f20V,VDS=0V VGS=10V,ID=62A VDS=VGS,ID=250μA ID=62A,VDS=25V ᳔ᇣؐ 55 ---2.0 44 ‫݌‬ൟؐ ------ -- ᳔໻ؐ -25 f100 8.0 4.0 -- ऩԡ V μA nA P¡ V S ࡼᗕ⡍ᗻ খ᭄䇈ᯢ ᷙᵕ⬉㥋 ᷙ⑤⬉㥋 ᷙⓣ⬉㥋 ヺো Qg Qgs Qgd ⌟䆩ᴵӊ VDS=44V ID=62A VGS=10V ᳔ᇣؐ ---- ‫݌‬ൟؐ ---- ᳔໻ [ ... ]

FHP3205 PDF Datasheet Download


2017/10/08 22:57 2017/10/08 22:57