This part is a kind of semiconductor called ME25N06-G.
Function of this product has N-Channel Enhancement MOSFET.
Manufacturers : Matsuki
Image and pinout :
Some of the text within the PDF file :
N-Channel Enhancement MOSFET GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ME25N06 is the N-Channel logic enhancement mode power field effect transistors are produced using high cell density, DMOS trench technology. This high density process is especially tailored to minimize on-state resistance. These devices are particularly suited for low voltage application such as cellular phone and notebook computer power management and other battery powered circuits where high-side switching, and low in-line power loss are needed in a very small outline surface mount package. ME25N06(-G) FEATURES ● RDS(ON)≦62mΩ@VGS=10V ● RDS(ON)≦86mΩ@VGS=4.5V ● Super high density cell design for extremely low RDS(ON) ● Exceptional on-resistance and maximum DC current capability APPLICATIONS ● Power Management in Note boo [ ... ]