This part is a kind of semiconductor called LD7578.
Function of this product has Green-Mode PWM Controller.
Manufacturers : Leadtrend
Image and pinout :
Some of the text within the PDF file :
LD7578 10/08/2008 Green-Mode PWM Controller with HV Start-Up Circuit and OTP Protection Rev.00 General Description Features The LD7578 integrates several functions of protections in a SOP-8 package. It minimizes the component counts and the circuit space. The device provides functions of low startup current, green-mode power-saving operation, leading-edge blanking of the current sensing and internal slope compensation. Also, the LD7578 features more protections like OLP (Over Load Protection), OVP (Over Voltage Protection), and external OTP (Over Temperature Protection) to prevent the circuit from being damaged under abnormal conditions. z High-Voltage (500V) Startup Circuit z Current Mode Control z Non-Audible-Noise Green Mode Control z UVLO (Under Voltage Lockout) z LEB (Leading-Ed [ ... ]