This part is a kind of semiconductor called STRW6754.
Function of this product has Universal-Input/100 W Off-Line QuasiResonant Flyback Switching Regulator.
Manufacturers : Sanken
Image and pinout :
Some of the text within the PDF file :
STR-W6754 Quasi-Resonant Topology Primary Switching Regulators Features and Benefits ▪ Quasi-resonant topology IC Low EMI noise and soft switching ▪ Bottom-skip mode Improved system efficiency over the entire output load by avoiding increase of switching frequency ▪ Auto-Standby mode Lowers input power at very light output load condition ▪ Avalanche-guaranteed MOSFET Improves system-level reliability and does not require VDSS derating ▪ 650 V / 0.96 Ω ▪ Various protections Improved system-level reliability Continued on the next page… Package: 6-pin TO-220 Description The STR-W6754 is a quasi-resonant topology IC designed for SMPS applications. It shows lower EMI noise characteristics than conventional PWM solutions, especially at greater than 2 MHz. It [ ... ]