This part is a kind of semiconductor called V236BJ1-LE1.

Function of this product has TFT LCD Module.

Manufacturers : CHIMEI Innolux

Image and pinout :

V236BJ1-LE1 image and datasheet pinout

Some of the text within the PDF file :

PRODUCT SPECIFICATION □ Tentative Specification □ Preliminary Specification ■ Approval Specification MODEL NO.: V236BJ1 SUFFIX: LE1 Ver.C3 Customer: APPROVED BY Name / Title Note SIGNATURE Please return 1 copy for your confirmation with your signature and comments. Approved By Checked By Prepared By Chao-Chun Chung Roger Huang Bowei Huang Version 3. 0 1 D a t eΚ16 N ov 20 12 The copyright belongs to CHIMEI InnoLux. Any unauthorized use is prohibited PRODUCT SPECIFICATION CONTENTS 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................................................5 1.1 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................ [ ... ]

V236BJ1-LE1 PDF Datasheet Download


2017/10/09 13:22 2017/10/09 13:22