This part is a kind of semiconductor called TDA9381.

Function of this product has TV signal processor.

Manufacturers : Philips

Image and pinout :

TDA9381 image and datasheet pinout

Some of the text within the PDF file :

INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DDEAVITCAE SSPEHCIEFIECATTION DRAFT TDA935X/6X/8X series TV signal processor-Teletext decoder with embedded µ-Controller mPreliminary Device Specification Vielersuionnd:e1r.I3ntegrated Circuits, 1999 Sep 28 Previous date: 1999 Aug 26 Philips Semiconductors TV signal processor-Teletext decoder with embedded µ-Controller GENERAL DESCRIPTION The various versions of theTDA935X/6X/8X series combine the functions of a TV signal processor together with a µ-Controller and US Closed Caption decoder. Most versions have a Teletext decoder on board. The Teletext decoder has an internal RAM memory for 1or 10 page text. The ICs are intended to be used in economy television receivers with 90° and 110° picture tubes. The ICs [ ... ]

TDA9381 PDF Datasheet Download


2017/06/20 11:27 2017/06/20 11:27