This part is a kind of semiconductor called FNR-10K621.

Function of this product has ZINC OXIDE VARISTOR.

Manufacturers : Fenghua Advanced Technology

Image and pinout :

FNR-10K621 image and datasheet pinout

Some of the text within the PDF file :

FENGHUA ZINC OXIDE VARISTOR Fenghua (HK) Electronics Ltd. Unit 207, Fu Hang Industrial Building, No.1, Hok Yuen Street East, Hung Hom, Hong Kong Tel: 852-2408-7636 Fax: 852-2408-8859 Email: URL: ZINC OXIDE VARISTOR FEATURES z z z z z Widely voltage range 18v-1.8kv Fast response to the rapidly increase Voltage (Mu sec.) Excellent non-linearity voltage Symmetric V-1 characteristics Great withstanding surge current (2000A/cm2) HOW TO ORDER F Series Code F NR Non-Linear Resistor NR 05 Element Diameter (mm) 05 5 40 40 K Tolerance K M ±10% ±20% 180 Varistor (V) 180=18x10 1 181=18x10 2 182=18x10 0 T bulk dimensions (leave blank) T Bulk Tape & Reel CHARACTERISTICS TEST CONDITION Item Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Varistor Voltage Max [ ... ]

FNR-10K621 PDF Datasheet Download


2017/10/08 22:44 2017/10/08 22:44