This part is a kind of semiconductor called KIA431AM.

Function of this product has BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT.

Manufacturers : KEC

Image and pinout :

KIA431AM image and datasheet pinout

Some of the text within the PDF file :

SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA PROGRAMMABLE PRECISION REFERENCES KIA431 Series BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT The KIA431 Series integrated circuits are three-terminal programmable shunt regulator diodes. These monolithic IC voltage reference operate as a low temperature coefficient zener which is programmable from Vref to 36 volts with two external resistors. These devices exhibit a wide operating current range of 1.0 to 100mA with a typical dynamic impedance of 0.22 .The characteristics of these references make them excellent replacements for zener diodes in many applications such as digital voltmeters, power supplies, and op amp circuitry. The 2.5 volt reference makes it convenient to obtain a stable reference from 5.0 volt logic supplies, and since the KIA431 Series operates as a shu [ ... ]

KIA431AM PDF Datasheet Download


2017/10/10 03:11 2017/10/10 03:11