This part is a kind of semiconductor called CBB21.
Function of this product has Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitor.
Manufacturers : Elecsound Electronics
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Elecsound Electronics Company Limited CBB21 Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitor - MPP MPP are constructed with metallized polypropylene film dielectric, copperply lead and epoxy resin coating. There are suitable for blocking, by-pass, coupling, decoupling filtering, timeing, tuning temperature compensation, and ideal for use in telecommunication equipments data processing equipments, industrial instruments, automatic control system and other general electronic equipments. Drawing: FEATURES ‧ Low dissipation factor and high insulation resistance. ‧ High stability of capacitance and DF versus temperature and frequency Non-inductive construction and self-healing property. ‧ Flame retardant epoxy resin coating. SPECIFICATION 1. OPERATING TEMPERATURE : -40 +85 2. [ ... ]