This part is a kind of semiconductor called K1191.
Function of this product has 2SK1191.
Manufacturers : Sanken electric
Image and pinout :
Some of the text within the PDF file :
2SK1191 Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol VDSS VGSS ID ID (pulse) PD EAS Tch Tstg Ratings 60 ± 20 ± 30 ± 120 (Tch 150ºC) (Ta = 25ºC) External dimensions 1 ...... FM20 Electrical Characteristics Symbol V(BR) DSS I GSS I DSS VTH Re (yfs) RDS (on) Ciss Coss t on t off 2.0 13 20 0.021 2500 1200 180 120 0.028 min 60 ± 500 250 4.0 Ratings typ max Unit V nA µA V S Ω pF pF ns ns (Ta = 25ºC) Unit V V A A W mJ ºC ºC Conditions I D = 250µA, VGS = 0V VGS = ± 20V VDS = 60V, VGS = 0V VDS = 10V, I D = 250µA VDS = 10V, I D = 15A VGS = 10V, I D = 15A VDS = 25V, f = 1.0MHz, VGS = 0V I D = 15A, VDD = 30V, VGS = 10V, See Figure 2 on Page 5. 40 (Tc = 25ºC) * 38 150 –55 to +150 unclamped, VDD = 25V, L = 50µH, I L = 30A, *: See Figure 1 on Page 5. VDS — I D Characteristics 30 10V 5.5V [ ... ]