This part is a kind of semiconductor called ME60N03.

Function of this product has 30V N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET.

Manufacturers : Matsuki

Image and pinout :

ME60N03 image and datasheet pinout

Some of the text within the PDF file :

ME60N03 30V N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET VDS=30V RDS(ON), Vgs@10V,Ids@30A = 8.5mΩ RDS(ON), Vgs@4.5V,Ids@20A =13mΩ FEATURES Advanced trench process technology High density cell design for ultra low on-resistance Specially designed for DC/DC converters and motor drivers Fully characterized avalanche voltage and current PIN CONFIGURATION (TO-252) Top View Absolute Maximum Ratings (TA=25℃ Unless Otherwise Noted) Parameter Drain-Source Voltage Gate-Source Voltage Continuous Drain Current Pulsed Drain Current Maximum Power Dissipation TA=25℃ TA=70℃ Symbol VDSS VGSS ID IDM PD TJ, Tstg EAS RθJA RθJC Limit 30 ±20 50 100 50 23 -55 to 150 110 T≦10 sec Steady State 20 15 40 Unit V V A A W ℃ mJ ℃/W ℃/W Operating Junction and Storage Temperature Range Avalanche Energy wi [ ... ]

ME60N03 PDF Datasheet Download


2017/10/09 07:02 2017/10/09 07:02